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Is Food the New Medicine to Cure Diseases?

The concept of “food as medicine” may be new to the Western world, but it has existed in other cultures for a long time. Food as medicine is the understanding that nutrition and diet play significant roles in the management and prevention of diseases. Food and nutrition are prioritised in a person’s health plan with the aim of avoiding, lessening symptoms of, or reversing a disease condition, albeit the term “food as medicine” has no singular definition.

The emphasis is on consuming more whole, minimally processed plant-based meals and consuming fewer highly processed foods that are heavy in added sugar, oil, and salt. However, from this debated concept, the question arises, “Can food cure all ailments?”, the answer to which is given below.

Studies Regarding Food as Medicine

According to evidence, food may be used as medication. The article “A “Food as Medicine” Programme and Its Effects on Healthy Eating and Cooking Confidence” published in Current Developments in Nutrition evaluated a community-based pilot study that assessed the efficacy of a food as medicine programme intended to reduce chronic disease risk factors and outcomes among African Americans residing in Washington, DC. Over the course of three months, 54 participants attended five culturally relevant nutrition education workshops given by nutritionists with the goal of enhancing their knowledge of diet and health. Participants “demonstrated considerable gains in all end measures of interest,” according to the programme’s final report.

Some experts laud food as medicine because evidence shows that an appropriate diet can help with disease management. Diet can not only stabilise but also reverse the symptoms of chronic diseases in people.

Can Food Be Replaced with Medicine?

If food is so efficacious, why do we need medicine? The answer to this is that food cannot cure everything. In reality, diet is only one component of overall health.There are other factors that intervene and contribute to ailments. Therefore, this theory has its own limitations.

Obstacles in Food as Medicine

Other than diet, the following are some of the factors that may lead to chronic disease:


Genetics is probably the biggest culprit that decides most of the important things in your life. Therefore, its importance cannot be undermined.

Autoimmune conditions

Food as medicine theory cannot singlehandedly cure autoimmune diseases. Yes, dietary interventions may ease some of the symptoms and help stabilise health. However, they cannot be used as a standalone treatment.

Environmental Pollution

The environment in which you live plays a role as well, and that cannot be helped by dietary interventions.

Drug-nutrient interactions

It’s also critical to take into account the drug-nutrient interactions between meals. This phenomenon is referred to as drug-nutrient interaction, and it may improve or interfere with a drug’s impact on the body. This means that some foods are not safe to be eaten while on a certain medication.

Misleading information on social media

Social media is replete with misinformation, especially when it comes to food and medicine. Therefore, even when it comes to diet, individuals ought to consult a doctor or certified nutritionist. While scientific research reveals that food may help with a variety of health concerns, traditional claims of the ability of food to treat or cure diseases through excessive dieting, supplements, or other means are frequently untrue,

For instance, diets marketed to treat cancer or other serious ailments are often not supported by research and are frequently unaffordable. Choosing alternative, experimental diets instead of known therapies like chemotherapy might aggravate disease or result in death.


Whole foods with high nutritional content have been demonstrated to help treat some disorders, including type 2 diabetes, and prevent numerous chronic diseases.

Although it is obvious that eating a balanced diet is one of the most crucial aspects of living a long, healthy life, bear in mind that food should not be used as a substitute for traditional medicine.
