Global News and Digital Insights
for the Healthcare Industry

Weekly Snapshot of Top Trends in HLS Industry

These are the weekly disruptions seen in the healthcare industry from last week (16th May to 23rd May).

Food as Medicine

The Hawkeye Area Community Action Program (HACAP) Food Reservoir launched ‘Food is Medicine’ programme by collaborating with local healthcare facilitators to make healthy food accessible to individuals facing food insecurity.

Digital Health

Pique becomes the first digital healthcare platform to address women’s sexual health issues. This programme aims to offer medical expertise where mental, physical, and hormonal issues will be taken into account. 

Medical Research

Academic researchers are reaching out to tech firms to develop technologies that make research more convenient and accessible.

AI and Robotics has developed a conversational AI-powered software that will be a substitution to in-person interviews that are considered necessary for people suffering from neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s


A study conducted on pigs and rabbits found that smart lens could be created that release the drug, brimonidine, after the eyes experience high pressure, which can help treat glaucoma.
